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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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At St John’s Academy, our History curriculum is designed to ignite children’s curiosity about the past. We are determined that alongside historical knowledge there will be a high focus on the development of specific historical skills through discrete History lessons to ensure children know more and remember more.

We believe that a high-quality history education should provide opportunities for pupils to gain knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We aim to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to analyse, appraise and critically evaluate historical events, people and periods. Our aim is to provide children with the tools they need to become a historian. Furthermore, we aim to inspire in pupils a sense of curiosity and fascination about history that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

The History topics have been carefully selected to meet the needs of the pupils at St John’s. The KS1 topics chosen have been carefully selected to fit in with the local area of our school. As our school is in a Victorian building, we have decided to use this period as a thread throughout the school. The topics in KS1 reflect this through the teaching of Toys and Victorian Schools. This is built upon in Year 3 with the study of Clifton’s history and the Armytage family. In Year 4, children learn about The Piece Hall, which then feeds in to Year 5’s study of The Industrial Revolution. Year 6 use their prior knowledge from all local history areas studied when learning about Migration. All other topics have been taken directly from the 2014 National Curriculum and have been carefully placed in certain year groups to fit in and build upon prior learning. When planning the History curriculum, consideration was also taken to incorporate teaching and learning which would also address the unique challenges facing our children:

  • Developing resilience and independence skills
  • Exposing our children to different national and global issues
  • Transferring knowledge and skills into Long Term Memory – ‘Stickability of knowledge and skills’. 

Progression of Skills

EYFS- Understanding the World

National Curriculum - History - Key Stage 1 & 2

history successful learner.pdf