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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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Mathematics Curriculum 

At St John’s CE Primary Academy, Mathematics is seen as a fundamental and integral part of the academy curriculum and is taught both as a discrete subject and across the wider curriculum.

In studying Mathematics, we want children to develop skills that will enable them to remember mathematical facts and to understand the language of mathematics. We want them to have ready recourse to a variety of strategies and concepts; both mental and written that will enable them to tackle a wide range of practical and investigative problem-solving activities. We want them to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and understanding to all areas of the curriculum and to life situations. 

Here at St John’s, we embrace the belief that anyone can do maths.

Our maths curriculum is underpinned by White Rose Maths 3.0. Maths objectives from the National Curriculum are organised into units, which are broken down into small steps to support and structure the children's learning.

Mathematics programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2

Our Curriculum 

maths curriculum overview.pdf


Reception Class

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6



We carefully teach calculations to allow children to build up their knowledge, to become confident in their calculations. Our policies have been taken from White Rose Maths. 

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division


maths successful learner.pdf