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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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Music is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. It is a vehicle for personal expression and can also play an important part in helping children to feel part of a community. The primary focus in music lessons at St. John’s is to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, compose, perform and appraise a range of music.  When planning the music curriculum consideration was also taken to incorporate teaching and learning which would also address the unique challenges facing our children:

  • Developing resilience and independence skills
  • Exposing our children to different national and global issues
  • Transferring knowledge and skills into Long Term Memory – ‘Stickability of knowledge and skills’.

Children will learn how to respond and perform with confidence and creativity, compose with imagination, and listen and appraise with understanding. Music is also a fantastic tool to help children understand the world around them: exploring other cultures and traditions, using music as a tool to communicate to all.

Music is a part of everyday life, and as a National Curriculum subject, should form part of the primary academy curriculum.  High quality music education develops the children’s love of music and their talents as musicians, therefore increasing self-confidence and a sense of achievement.

As a Christian academy, music is used to develop the children spiritually.  Through developing children’s awareness of the power of music, they are helped to use music to express and reflect on their own thoughts and feelings. 

 Expressive Arts and Design - EYFS

National Curriculum - Music - Key Stage 1 & 2 

music successful learner.pdf