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Message from our Chair of Governors
Message from the Chair of Governors, Mrs Lynn Taylor.
I am pleased to introduce myself as Chair of Governors, of St. John’s Primary Academy. I am very proud to have been elected as Chairperson at our AGM on 17th September 2014, having been Vice-Chairperson from September 2008. I have served on the Governing Body since November 2003. The Governors and I feel very proud and privileged to be supporters and ‘critical’ friends of St. John’s. We have been rewarded by the Ofsted judgment of being outstanding in all areas. We are excited by the opportunities made available by maintaining this judgement which must be to the benefit of pupils, staff, parents and all stakeholders. We are very proud of the excellent senior management and staff team and the successful pupils. We are all very conscious of our responsibilities and roles and endeavour to fulfil our duties with as much diligence and expertise as possible. We are a Governing Body with a wide variety of knowledge and skills and take very seriously our important role in the management, evaluation and review of the academy. We are always available to provide high levels of professional challenge, support, care and advice to senior management, staff, pupils and parents and are anxious to help the academy maintain its status as outstanding with high standards of performance and achievement for its pupils.
The Governors are responsible for:-
- monitoring the effective delivery of the National Curriculum;
- financial management;
- professional advice on the adequacy and deployment of resources within the school;
- monitoring the academy’s self-evaluation;
- establishing clear priorities and procedures for the effective support of the academy;
- the regular review, with the academy, of the effectiveness of monitoring and support activities.