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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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At St John's, we encourage children to be inquisitive and see science as the world around them, whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them think and reason scientifically.

We want our children to gain an understanding of scientific processes and a knowledge of how these fit into the world of work as well as having a rich range of scientific vocabulary which they can use progressively as they advance through school.

At St John's, we use the Developing Experts scheme to plan lessons and ensure all children learn and retain knowledge throughout the programmes of study.

Developing Experts is based around a knowledge-rich curriculum.  We ensure that knowledge is learnt and retained throughout the programmes of study.  In each lesson, pupils are given key facts and knowledge through a storytelling approach to learning.  Further to this, each lesson offers 5 key words and meanings to learn; vocabulary which is then repeated throughout the lesson and recalled at the end. All science lessons contain a balance of the different ‘Working Scientifically Skills’ and ‘Scientific Enquiry’ types, so that children practice a broad range of skills throughout the curriculum. 

Understanding the World - EYFS

National Curriculum - Science - Key Stage 1 & 2

Science at St John's  

Progression of Knowledge 

Progression of Skills

science successful learner.pdf


science curriculum overview.pdf