Curriculum Aims
To provide a balanced and broadly based curriculum that:
- promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the academy and of society;
- prepares pupils at the academy for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life;
- meets the individual learning needs of all pupils;
- develops a distinctive character and ethos rooted in our community.
To reflect and support the requirements of the National Curriculum by:
- securing an entitlement for all pupils, irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities, to a number of areas of learning and to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self-fulfillment and development as active and responsible citizens;
- recognising the established standards of The National Curriculum and the expectations for learning and attainment made explicit to pupils, parents, teachers, governors, employers and the public, which establishes national standards for the performance of all pupils in the subjects it includes. These standards are used to set targets for improvement, measure
- progress, and monitor and compare performance between individuals, groups and schools/academies;
- promoting continuity and coherence in order to facilitate the transition of pupils between schools/academies and phases of education and providing a foundation for lifelong learning;
- promoting public understanding by supporting the common basis for discussion of educational issues among lay and professional groups, including pupils, parents, teachers, governors and employers.
To provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve by:
- developing enjoyment of, and commitment to, learning as a means of encouraging and stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all pupils;
- building on pupils' strengths, interests and experiences and developing their confidence in their capacity to learn and work independently and collaboratively;
- equipping pupils with the essential learning skills of literacy, numeracy, and information and communication technology;
- promoting enquiring minds and capacity to think rationally;
- contributing to the development of pupils' sense of identity through knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural heritages of Britain's diverse society and of the local, national, European, Commonwealth and global dimensions of their lives;
- encouraging pupils to appreciate human aspirations and achievements in aesthetic, scientific, technological and social fields;
- prompting a personal response to a range of experiences and ideas;
- providing rich and varied contexts for pupils to acquire, develop and apply a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills;
- enabling pupils to think creatively and critically, to solve problems and to make a difference for the better;
- giving opportunity for pupils to become creative, innovative, enterprising and capable of leadership to equip them for their future lives as workers and citizens;
- developing pupils’ physical skills and encouraging them to recognize the importance of pursuing a healthy lifestyle and keeping themselves and others safe.
To promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life by:
- developing principles for distinguishing between right and wrong;
- developing pupil knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their own and different beliefs and cultures, and how these influence individuals
d societies; - passing on enduring values, developing pupils' integrity and autonomy and helping pupils to be responsible and caring citizens capable of contributing to the development of a just society;
- promoting equal opportunities and enabling pupils to challenge discrimination and stereotyping;
- developing pupil awareness and understanding of, and respect for, the environments in which they live, and securing their commitment to sustainable development at a personal, local, national and global level;
- equipping pupils as consumers to make informed judgments and independent decisions and to understand their
- responsibilities and rights;
- promoting pupils' self-esteem and emotional wellbeing;
- helping pupils to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for
- others, at home, the academy, work and in the community;
- developing pupils’ ability to relate to others and work for the common good;
- enabling pupils to respond positively to opportunities, challenges and responsibilities, to manage risk and to cope with change and adversity;
- preparing pupils for the next steps in their education, training and employment and equipping them to make informed choices at the academy and throughout their lives, enabling them to appreciate the relevance of their achievements to life and society outside the academy, including leisure, community engagement and employment.