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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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Nursery & Secondary Links

Clifton Village Nursery


Clifton Village Nursery is based within St John’s (CE) Primary Academy yet is a non profit making organisation registered with the Charity Commission and is a separate entity, neither managed nor funded by the academy. It specialises in full day care for pre-school children aged two and a half to five years

There is however close transition links between the nursery and academy as many of the nursery children will form our reception intake. 

In it’s latest OFSTED overall the quality of provision was classed as ‘Outstanding’.

“Children at Clifton Village Nursery thrive in a highly stimulating environment where overall they make excellent progress with their learning and development. Staff use their exceptional knowledge of Early Years Foundation Stage to plan exciting activities that encourage children to become inquisitive and active learners.”

Secondary Schools

St John’s has excellent relationships with Brighouse High School and the other secondary schools and academies within the local area. Currently Brighouse High School facilitates an ICT specialist one day a week at the school.


Secondary School Transfer

Children leave St. John's at the end of year 6 for local secondary schools.  St John’s is a ‘feeder’ academy for Brighouse Academy, and the majority of our pupils choose to go there.  Other pupils choose to go to the selective/grammar schools and other comprehensives.