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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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St John's Church Clifton

 churchSt John’s academy has close connections with the local parish church. Services often take place in church led by staff, pupils, clergy or visitors and parents are invited to special services which celebrate important festivals. The clergy take an active part in the worshipping life of the academy and conduct collective worship on a regular basis.

You will always receive a warm welcome at St John's Parish Church.  Services are open to everyone.  The main Sunday service is a Eucharist (Holy Communion) and takes place on Sundays at 9am.  There are hymns, a short sermon, and refreshments afterwards.  Children are encouraged to attend Junior Church, which meets upstairs in the church at the same time. 

 Attending St John's provides an opportunity to spend some time in prayer and worship each week.  For the regulars it becomes the still centre in a busy week, and provides real refreshment and renewal.  You do not have to be a committed Christian to attend - all are welcome.   Fr Paul Webb the vicar is available to conduct baptisms (christenings), wedding and funerals.  Please email him to make initial arrangements.   St John's Church and meeting rooms are also available for hire for functions.  Please contact Don Bickerton the churchwarden.